Monday, November 30, 2015

The day is finally here!

To all my future graduates, this post is for all of you finishing your degrees in college or finishing high school and moving on to the college life. The day is finally here, the one day where everything pays off from those restless nights, frustrating moments to making coffee beans your best friend. I still have a few more months left to graduate as well, but now that you are starting this new journey, you do not want to walk the stage to receive your diploma looking basic.
There is various outfits that will make you look good for pictures and for the graduation ceremony. One advice I will definitely give you is to NEVER forget to wear a tie. Ties will not only make you look professional but your gown will not look like it is missing something in the collar area, I tell you from experience.
Some of the colors I would recommend are shades of blue, white, shades of gray, or even shades of green. These are some of the colors you usually find in a graduation ceremony, but if you want to stand out and you find a good outfit and nice combination of colors, by all means rock it man!

Pictures from Pintrest

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