Sunday, November 29, 2015


The feeling of having an interview for a job is very interesting. If you are like me, the feeling of nervousness but excitement kicks in. Some of my friends have told me that they feel shy when going into an interview while other just say it is a drag because of how many they have been to.
Once you go into an interview the first thing you want do is make a good impression, and what better way to make it than by not saying one word at all. What a person wears really does say a lot  about them. It really defies if someone is interested in the job and if they are taking it serious or not.
One of the most common things to wear for an interview are slacks and a button-up shirt with a tie but to me that only screams boring. When I had my interview for my job, my boss told us the attire was business casual but I decided to make it professional since I really wanted the job. I wore some dark blue slacks with a white button-up shirt that had a different collar than the usual. the collar gave me more of an interesting look since it was different from the ones every other guy was wearing. I also wore some accessories like a nice watch with some bracelets so my look can be more personalized.
So for an interview, remember to keep it personal in what you wear, and do not be afraid to think outside the box in what you wear. I ended up getting the job and after my boss talked to each of us individually he complimented me on how I looked different but very professional at the same time. He said he liked my style and every now and then he asks me for fashion advice in case he is going out somewhere.

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