Sunday, November 29, 2015

I only have khakis to wear!?

About two days ago, one of my friends came down from San Antonio to visit and my "crew" and I planned out to take him out to eat since we hadn't seen him in a long time. We decided to take hum to Olive Garden because that is his favorite restraint and we all decided that was the place to go for the evening.
In my mind, I had already picked out an outfit. I was planning on wearing some dark denim jeans and a t-shirt, something that was simple and comfortable. When I got home the bad news was that all my jeans were dirty and I if I washed them, thy were not going to be ready for dinner. The only thing I had were some khaki pants but I never took them into consideration in wearing them for an evening hangout.
When I tried them on I felt like they looked dumb, but once I started adding the shoes and the shirt with some accessories to the outfit, it started to come along and look very trendy. The khakis were perfect because they didn't look casual or too much but by me wearing a t-shirt and some nice shoes, it made it look good for the occasion.
Picture from

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