Sunday, November 29, 2015


Accessories play a very important role in what I wear day-to-day. Since I was young, I have loved bracelets, rings, necklaces, caps, and any other artifact you can add to your outfit to make it yours. Some guys doesn't really pay attention to detail but I agree with the fact that it makes the outfit yours when you add several accessories.
It is incredible the amount of things you can find to personalize your outfit. Some necklaces can really make a plain white or black t-shirt not look so boring. I would recommend to wear a one-color shirt to make the necklace stand out and more noticeable. Rings and bracelets can also make that impression. I am also a strong believer that a person who wears accessories feels more confident about themselves, it shows that they are more detailed in who they are and what kind of style they have.

Picture from

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