Monday, November 30, 2015

The day is finally here!

To all my future graduates, this post is for all of you finishing your degrees in college or finishing high school and moving on to the college life. The day is finally here, the one day where everything pays off from those restless nights, frustrating moments to making coffee beans your best friend. I still have a few more months left to graduate as well, but now that you are starting this new journey, you do not want to walk the stage to receive your diploma looking basic.
There is various outfits that will make you look good for pictures and for the graduation ceremony. One advice I will definitely give you is to NEVER forget to wear a tie. Ties will not only make you look professional but your gown will not look like it is missing something in the collar area, I tell you from experience.
Some of the colors I would recommend are shades of blue, white, shades of gray, or even shades of green. These are some of the colors you usually find in a graduation ceremony, but if you want to stand out and you find a good outfit and nice combination of colors, by all means rock it man!

Pictures from Pintrest

Shades without the Sun

Sunglasses or shades are one of my favorite accessories to wear. I love to wear them when ever I get a chance, especially when I am driving. Even though they help a lot when I drive, they also look very neat. As a lover of shades, I wear them often even when there is no sun and the weather is sort of cloudy, I wear them because they can hide an emotion, or help in hiding my allergies. I get pink-eye with my allergies so yes indeed they help.
Some friend ask me "why are you wearing shad3s when there is no sun?", but they don't understand me. I'm pretty sure someone out there understands how sunglasses are very important. However, sunglasses are always in style and what better way to rock them when you are driving or when you are at the beach. The fact is that they will make you look good.
There is however different types of shades. There is Oakley's or my favorite, Ray Ban's, but I recently fund out there is such a thing as night shades or night sunglasses and of course I bought them. If you are like me and love to wear sunglasses, these are perfect because the do not just made for the night life, but they help diminish the light that strikes you from other cars when you are driving.

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Beard it Bro

How many of us guys have heard or participated in the "No Shave November" deals? I have actually but it didn't last long since I'm not a fan of having a super long beard, but hey some guys can pull it off and I applaud for them.
Many guys have shaped, trimmed, and styled their beards to the way the feel more comfortable with. The fashion trend going on with beards now-a-days has been the Duck Dynasty look. This look is mainly of men letting their beards grow so it can look bushy and full.
My type of beard is just simple and it makes me feel good. I have what we call a "chin strap". Here is a chart just in case you want to know more about beards or know the different options a guy has to grow a beard. Whichever one you decide, if you do, will make you feel better and in a seriousness, it feels great to be part of the beard community.
Picture from Pintrest

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Packin' in Style

Every school year, people really pay attention to what's in style and what the new trend will be the coming school year. Many people do not notice it but each school or school environment have their own trends and make something the fashion style for that year. I remember when I was in high school one of the things that was "in style" were guys and girls wearing toddle size bag packs to school. These had characters such as Toy Story or Superheroes, but the fact was that those bags were the trend within the school.
Even though the toddler bag packs were a trend, and a ridiculous one I might add, I mean why would a 15-18 year old guy wear a bag that is made for children right? Well the topic of the bags is what brings me to this next topic of fashion... Bag packs!
If you haven't noticed by then, I am very into fashion and very detailed in everything I wear. Since I have a fashion obsession, I also include bags, satchels, bag packs. When I started college, I decided that even though I wanted to look good, I also wanted my "book carrier" to look amazing so I bought my first satchel. I thought it was awesome to finally own one and to this day I love it.
There is plenty of bags a guy can have to make your style unique. From school bags to travel bags to business portfolios, a guy can look very interesting and stand out from the crowd with the bag he is carrying. These bags are very unique and I've been told that many guys are afraid to wear them because they are out of their comfort zone. In my opinion, I love unique bags because they speak for themselves and show what my style is.

Picture is from Pintrest

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Sunday, November 29, 2015


Accessories play a very important role in what I wear day-to-day. Since I was young, I have loved bracelets, rings, necklaces, caps, and any other artifact you can add to your outfit to make it yours. Some guys doesn't really pay attention to detail but I agree with the fact that it makes the outfit yours when you add several accessories.
It is incredible the amount of things you can find to personalize your outfit. Some necklaces can really make a plain white or black t-shirt not look so boring. I would recommend to wear a one-color shirt to make the necklace stand out and more noticeable. Rings and bracelets can also make that impression. I am also a strong believer that a person who wears accessories feels more confident about themselves, it shows that they are more detailed in who they are and what kind of style they have.

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I only have khakis to wear!?

About two days ago, one of my friends came down from San Antonio to visit and my "crew" and I planned out to take him out to eat since we hadn't seen him in a long time. We decided to take hum to Olive Garden because that is his favorite restraint and we all decided that was the place to go for the evening.
In my mind, I had already picked out an outfit. I was planning on wearing some dark denim jeans and a t-shirt, something that was simple and comfortable. When I got home the bad news was that all my jeans were dirty and I if I washed them, thy were not going to be ready for dinner. The only thing I had were some khaki pants but I never took them into consideration in wearing them for an evening hangout.
When I tried them on I felt like they looked dumb, but once I started adding the shoes and the shirt with some accessories to the outfit, it started to come along and look very trendy. The khakis were perfect because they didn't look casual or too much but by me wearing a t-shirt and some nice shoes, it made it look good for the occasion.
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The feeling of having an interview for a job is very interesting. If you are like me, the feeling of nervousness but excitement kicks in. Some of my friends have told me that they feel shy when going into an interview while other just say it is a drag because of how many they have been to.
Once you go into an interview the first thing you want do is make a good impression, and what better way to make it than by not saying one word at all. What a person wears really does say a lot  about them. It really defies if someone is interested in the job and if they are taking it serious or not.
One of the most common things to wear for an interview are slacks and a button-up shirt with a tie but to me that only screams boring. When I had my interview for my job, my boss told us the attire was business casual but I decided to make it professional since I really wanted the job. I wore some dark blue slacks with a white button-up shirt that had a different collar than the usual. the collar gave me more of an interesting look since it was different from the ones every other guy was wearing. I also wore some accessories like a nice watch with some bracelets so my look can be more personalized.
So for an interview, remember to keep it personal in what you wear, and do not be afraid to think outside the box in what you wear. I ended up getting the job and after my boss talked to each of us individually he complimented me on how I looked different but very professional at the same time. He said he liked my style and every now and then he asks me for fashion advice in case he is going out somewhere.


With the Hispanic tradition, it is custom that once girls turn the age of 15 they have a party which we  call a "Quinceanera." There is also some occasions in which boys get a quinceanero but traditionally it leans more to girls having the party. When my cousins had their parties, and as a family we were hosting the event, we had to look our best that day because family from out of town and elsewhere were coming to visit.
For the evening I decided to wear a white button up shirt a black blazer with some dark maroon jeans and my western boots. The outfit was very appropriate due to that we were hosting the party. It is also very noticeable who the family is and who the invitees of the party are. The family usually dresses very particularly while friends and other people have a more casual look to their outfits. 

Lazy Sunday

After working and having classes al week, the weekend are the few days I get to myself to just relax and chill. This doesn't happen often since some weekends I have loads of homework and other things to do but we all have had and enjoyed our "Lazy Sundays."
My lazy Sundays consist mainly of me watching movies at home with some snacks and having the company of my closest friends. One of the things we usually do is wear our "joggers or warm-ups" and having the room temperature to where it seems winter instead of summer. Not only do we wear our laziest outfits but we make it look trendy.
Joggers are now being used in various forms. one can wear them hang out with friends, to the movies, et., the advantage here is that they are comfortable and are one of the latest trends in fashion now. Joggers are being used so much that even Taylor Swift worn them to an awards show and performed in them as well.

Picture is from Pintrest

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Thanksgiving Dinner

With thanksgiving passing by just a few days ago, the outfit I decided to wear has to be smart and trendy. The smart part had to be included in there because I am a big food fan and especially if turkey is being set in the table. Since I am a big eater I decided to wear some jeans that fit me comfortably and a shirt that wasn't slim but preferably fit. The color I went with the shirt was black since one can never go wrong with black and dark colors make you look slimmer.

Vest or Blazer?

When going out to a nice dinner or to an important event, one of the dilemmas I always have with myself is choosing weather to wear a vest or a blazer with w button up shirt. The whole deal behind it is that either of these two garments look good for the evening and make you look presentable. The blazer is good for a cold evening which will guarantee to keep you warm while in style. The advantage the vest has is that it has no sleeves, so if you are heading to like a baptism or a wedding ceremony the vest would work better since it is more relaxed and keeps you cool.

 There is however different types of vests and blazers. Today, people were complementing me on how my winter vest looked. Some people told me I looked cozy and comfortable, and some other people told me I looked edgy.

Pictures are from Pintrest