Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The first date

Hello Gents,

This past week I met someone and we went out on our first date. It was simple but the first date, to me, is the most important. In my opinion, this is when you get to meet the person at a more personal level and you get know how they are and if they interest you. This is when you find out if they are your "type."

I personally think that the first impression is made by what someone is wearing especially when it comes to dates. A person's attire can say many things, from how serious they take you to what their style is. Guys, take notes because it is very important that you look presentable and like a gent.

What to wear on the first date can be tricky but it just depends where you are heading out to. For example, if you are going to a date at the movies or somewhere casual, it is best if you wear some dark denim jeans and a nice shirt. This can be from a regular t- shirt to a button up shirt. You can never go wrong with jeans because they are adequate for any occasion and they are comfortable. Now if the date is more formal and it is like an anniversary celebration, then this is the time where a pair of slacks would work or even some jeans with a blazer. The point in this situation is to look formal so the person knows you care but the occasion. As a guy, one of the things you want to keep in mind and never do on the first date or any date is over shine the person you are going with. You do not want to make that person feel underdressed for the event. It is best to know where the date is going to take place n what the occasion is.

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