Thursday, September 10, 2015

Like a Gent

Don't know what to wear for the first day of school? Having trouble picking out what to wear and makes you look good? If you are like me this blog will definitely help you out. 

Guys don't usually pay attention to what they wear. In my school I see from people who wear just sports shorts and a tanktop to class and that is their attire for the day. I also see other people who dress really professional and take the time to put a wardrobe together. With some of my friends I see the same trends, "basketball shorts" and an ACDC shirt to justify they are living the college life and can't spare time to decide what to wear.

"But you're a guy, you shouldn't have problems with choosing what to wear!" How many of you have heard this comment before? Like me, I have been told this several times but it does not matter whether you are a male of female, one of the most important things is to look presentable and look sharp.

Trends really inspire me into what to wear and how to keep up with the styles that are going on. From shoes to shirts to accessories, these can make a difference in how you "outfit of the day" will look. The clue is finding your style but also knowing what to combine and how shirts, shoes, and pants can work for different occasions. Everything is in making you look like a Gent! 

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